About Us

COMAGEND envisages a society where there is freedom of expression and no one is discriminated against based on their sex.
To provide the right knowledge, skills, and resources for meaningful participation in policy influencing and governance actions to underserved groups especially adolescent girls and young women.

Our Values

Our dedication in serving women and girls, and amplifying their voices and agency for policy influencing, Leadership, Social life and political participation is built on Diversity, Integrity, Mutual Respect and Accountability.




Mutual Respect


Human Rights and Good Governance:

We advocate for policies and practices that uphold the human rights of all individuals, with a specific focus on the rights of adolescent girls and young women. This includes promoting good governance, upholding sexual and reproductive help rights, fostering peaceful and just societies, ensuring access to justice, and combating all forms of discrimination. 

Economic Justice:

We strive to empower women and girls economically through skills development, financial literacy training, career development, enhance decent work for girls and women, and support for women-led economic ventures. We advocate for policies that promote equal economic opportunities for all and equitable resource distribution.

Research and Knowledge Sharing:

We conduct research and generate evidence to inform our advocacy and program work. We share our findings with policymakers, civil society organizations, and the public to promote informed decision-making and drive social change.


The organization’s key focus is to ensure community ownership and consensus-building across all stakeholders to facilitate successful project implementations. They also believe in evidence-based advocacy for strategic policy improvements and an inclusive society that promotes gender equality and inter-generational leadership.


COMAGEND is a rights-based organization guided by feminist principles, with a core dedication to advancing gender equality, ensuring meaningful participation in decision-making spaces for Adolescent girls and young women, and fervently advocating their sexual and reproductive health rights. COMAGEND is committed to dismantling barriers, empowering voices, and creating a society where discrimination based on gender is obsolete.


Board members