Adjust for Me
The presence of negative social norms and discriminatory practices related to sexual and reproductive health rights (SRHR) perpetuates marginalization and barriers for women and girls, as well as men and boys, within our community. These harmful influences hinder access to SRHR services, leading to adverse outcomes such as unplanned parenthood, increased HIV and STI rates, instances
of gender-based violence (GBV), and ongoing institutional and structural discrimination against women and girls. Addressing and challenging these harmful norms is crucial for promoting equitable and comprehensive SRHR services for all community members.
Adjust For Me is transforming communities and institutions for better access to SRHR services. The project has made significant progress by engaging and directly working with traditional leaders, religious leaders, CSOs, SRHR health personnel’s, Youth leaders, and local Authorities in the realization of this goal. This project has transformed the traditional patriarchal system of decision making within Mulang where males were custodians of decision making and is accommodating more Females in decision making processes especially around Issues of SRH and GBV.
The My Sister My Friend project with objective to Increase empowerment and participation of AGYW by increasing access to social protection and economic empowerment programmes for AGYW, and by encouraging and promoting AGYW participation in national HIV and SRH programming and policy implementation processes and To Increase access to and quality of programmes and services for AGYW by scaling up programmes, interventions and referral mechanisms related to AGYW in the HIV response, including gender-based violence services, integrated HIV and SRH services and the provision of comprehensive sexuality education.
Peace Through Films
Using Film as a strategy to engage stakeholders including, religious leaders, health practitioners, traditional leaders and young people between the ages of 18 and 60+ to reflect on the consequences of War and commit to promoting and transforming their communities is the objective of our watch parties. The recent film session highlighted the manifestations of war and conflict with similar context showcasing real-life case studies from various countries and in this case Liberia.
The From Global to Local project aimed To strengthen the ability of local women’s civil society organizations (CSOs) local authorities, and other key local actors to advocate for, lead, monitor and report on the implementation of the Women, Peace and Security (WPS) resolutions and To increase the understanding and commitment of national government actors to the Localization of WPS strategy, to better support women’s leadership in the implementation of the WPS resolutions, peace processes, Preventing Violent Extremism (PVE), and GBV prevention and response
Girls Leadership Program
The GLP program is a flagship program aimed to provide Adolescent girls and young women with the right resources and opportunities to access leadership and navigate the world of work. To prepare these AGYWs as aspiring leaders this project placed them as interns within exemplary programs and institutions giving them first hand experience in the world of work and leadership and allowing them to apply their skills and gain valuable insights. These combined efforts have resulted in all 100% cohort alumni to find decent employment after.