The girl’s leadership program is an innovative and transformative initiative aimed at empowering Adolescent girls and young women (AGYW) to become influential leaders through mentorship, knowledge sharing, skill building activities and opportunities for growth. COMAGEND has successfully carried out two cohorts of the girl’s leadership program, registering significant impact and changes in the lives of the AGYW. This is evident in the number of young women that have been able to land decent jobs for themselves after successfully going through the program. We continue our journey of creating impact by rolling the 3rd cohort of this program which has brought together 10 vibrant and result driven AGYW to share experiences, gain knowledge and thrive in different spheres. 

Volunteering and interning are like a bridge that connects what young people learn from school to the realities in the world of work. By trying out different workspaces, the girls from our GLP are learning technical skills but and building their expertise in interpersonal relationship, problem solving, multitasking, and building team spirit. This is a great opportunity for them to explore their interests, calve a niche for themselves and take up leadership positions in their various communities. We are providing an opportunity for our fellows to meet and learn from experienced professionals, make new connections, and get a glimpse of different careers. We’re excited about this Program and how it will help these girls prepare for the world of work. 

COMAGEND believes that young people grow by experiencing things for themselves and taking up opportunities. This program is going to nurture a new generation of female leaders who will advocate for a more equitable and inclusive future. COMAGEND remans dedicated to fostering a culture of leadership, empowerment, and growth amongst young women. we are thrilled to witness the positive impacts of the program as it prepares our fellows for a future filled with endless possibilities.