Following the situation AGYW find themselves in upon graduating from the university or vocational training, COMAGEND saw the need to develop a girl’s leadership program, that will train and prepare these girls on the skills they need for the job market. 

Engaging and involving #AGYW in leading and deciding on things that concerns them is the key to improving their skills and expertise in different domains.  It is for this reason that COMAGEND brought together  10 #AGYW program design experts, to brainstorm, share ideas and design this program for their peers. It was a 3 day intensive session, researching, deliberating and disagreeing to agree on the possible  solutions to the problems  young girls face after graduating from the university.

According to the program designers, “this program is aimed at Empowering AGYW into the world of decent work after any occupational skill gained “. It was also a great experience for them to put their heads together and come up with a program for girls by girls. 

This program, designed to cover a period of 5 months of intensive work and training is up and rolling. The maiden cohort of the girls leadership programs just completed a 5 day training workshop with 10 GLP23 fellows on sensitive topics such as personal development, communication and branding, entrepreneurship,  gender equality in the workplace and the SDGs that directly affect AGYW as they prepare for the job market. It was a life changing experience for the girls as they share how they were able to network, learn and discover new things they had never thought about or even imagined it was important for them as emerging leaders. COMAGEND remains greatful to her Funder, the Global Fund for Women for assisting them in the realisation of this project.

According to the project implementation plan designed by the consultants, the GLP23 fellow are expected to carry out a pass-it-on activity with 10 other AGYW within their different communities to pass across the knowledge they have gained from the training. This is considered  a way of improving their skills and advocating  for the changes they seek. We are wrapping up  the second phase of the program in preparation for the third phase which is placing these girls in institutions that will train them on the skills they need in order to land descent jobs and good leadership positions for themselves. We will appreciate receiving support from any organizations or institution that will dedicate to training any of the girls.